Sunday, February 27, 2011

Did we goto the moon?

It is a question that has always sparked my interest, but one that I cant say with certainly that it HAS actually happened. I know that yes we have gone to space, and that YES we have built the space station and the others that have come and gone before the ISS. BUT have we actually done what has been said and made it to the moon.
Yes there are so many pieces of information out there to say yes, Photos, astronaut stories, media and movies. However there are definitely questions that I have my self, and I know others have too.

Why in all the pictures and video footage from there are their no stars?? Yes they say its because its day time and you don't see stars from here on Earth when its day time. But are they telling us that from space 250000 miles from Earth the atmosphere is hindering the ability to see stars too. Really, that is the only reason we cant see them during the day from here. The Moon has no atmosphere, therefore there is nothing to obstruct the sight of other stars, especially if you are looking aways from our sun, there is no particles or anything in the vacuum of space to stop you from seeing them, this is why they put Hubble into space, so they could get a better, clearer view of the universe WITHOUT the obstruction of our atmosphere.

Second, How is it that in the 1960's we were able to overcome the radiation barrier between here and our Moon, and now we cant, our technology is so incredibly superior to then it is hard to even compute the leaps forward, but we cant get a man back there safely just yet. HUH???? we DID in the 60's RIGHT?? why not now?

Lastly Why is it that we cant see where the landers and rovers were with our telescopes, the Moon is phased locked and the same side is always facing us here on Earth, but no matter how big of a telescope I have looked through I have not seen any evidence of us being there. I know they didn't land on the dark side of the moon, because they said it was day time because they couldn't see the stars, the photos from there also showed that they were in sunlight, that means, yes they were on the visible side of the moon. WHERE are the landers and flags and stuff???

These are all my thoughts and questions that I have, feel free to give me your own views on the subject, I am an open minded person and I truly wish we travel to the stars one day, but I don't think it is today or in the 60's.
Thanks for reading.


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