Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life Found

Is it true? Could there be evidence of life found out side of our little blue sphere??
On March 5th this year Dr. Richard Hoover released a paper in the online journal of cosmology, claiming that indeed we have found that evidence in a meteorite.
The tiny "life forms" were in the form of microscopic strands of fossilized bacteria, not too different to a strain that is found here on Earth.


Above is the photograph of Hoovers find, and if you see in the next photo a bacteria found here on Earth.

Obviously not exact in their matching but not all completely different either, the cyanobacteria shown here is one of the early bacteria that was found here on Earth that helped start the production of Oxygen.

SO is it real? or is it fake?
The paper has sparked an interest in many of the scientific world and obviously a lot of people dismissing the case too, saying that Hoover has come out with this before and it had also been discredited. However the question remains, and their are many scientists now looking into the validity of Hovers claims.
Myself, I say YES, I fully believe that life on this planet originated from space as did the water and everything we see, feel and smell around us. Remember the Earth was not just here it was made over millennia and it was made from dust, rocks, asteroids and comets. All of which originated either close by and from the far reaches of our solar system. Water being carried here from comets and meteorites could very well have imported life, just like the bacteria Hover just found, and with that and the release of amino acids and other life building chemicals could have taken hold and helped form the very first life on this planet. 
We as a people have to stop with the absolute skepticism and just take the chance that maybe, just maybe there is a bigger picture and that we might only be someones ant farm in that bigger arena of life. 
Seriously how many of you honestly believe with out any doubt that we are 100% ALONE in this Universe of over 100 billion galaxies, each with well over 100 billion solar systems?

I bet if everyone who read that question actually commented here on my blog and were truthful on weather or not they were 100% sure, I would have figures like 95% yes (there is life) 5% no (100% sure there is not)

I challenge everyone who reads this to comment and not just that, tell a friend to come and comment too.
Thank you for reading.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Proud to be Australian/ American

The following may be controvertial to some but I believe that it must be said. I am from Australia,
I live in the USA and I call America my home.  But what Ms Gillard has done I believe says what a
Lot of people in a lot of different countries want to say, but just don’t have the balls.
What she has done is what makes an Aussie, and Aussie, WE say what we feel when we feel it.
I am a proud Australian and I am also Proud to call the US home.

AMAZING  You must read it !!!! 
She's done it again.. 
She sure isn't backing down on  her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her  belief in the rights
of her native countrymen. A breath of fresh air to see  someone lead. I wish some leaders would step up
in  The UK Canada & USA . 
 Australian Prime Minister does  it again!! 
This woman  should be appointed Queen of the World.. Truer words have  never been spoken. 
It took a
 lot of courage for  this woman to speak what she had to say for the world to  hear.  The retribution could
be phenomenal, but at  least she was willing to take a stand on her and Australia 's beliefs.

The whole  world  needs a leader like  this!
Prime  Minister Julia Gillard -  Australia 

Muslims  who want to live under Islamic Sharia law  were told
 on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the  government targeted radicals in a bid to head off  potential 
terror attacks.. 
Separately, Gillard angered  some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she  
supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. 
I  am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are  offending some individual or their culture. Since
the  terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge  in patriotism by the majority of Australians. ' 

'This culture has been developed over two  centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions  of men and
women who have sought freedom' 
'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish,  Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese,
Japanese, Russian, or any  other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of  our society . Learn the
'Most  Australians  believe in God. This is not some Christian,  right wing, political push, but a
fact, because  Christian men and women, on Christian principles,  founded this nation, and this is clearly
documented It  is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of  our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest
 you  consider another part of the world as your new home,  because God is part of our culture.'
'We  will accept
your beliefs, and will not question why All  we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and  peaceful
enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR  COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow  you every
opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you  are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge,
 Our Christian beliefs, or Our  Way of Life, I highly encourage you take  advantage of one other great Australian
freedom, 'THE  RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 
 'If you  aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to  come here. You asked to be here. So accept the
country  YOU accepted.' 
Maybe if we  circulate this amongst ourselves in The UK Canada & USA ,  WE will
find the courage to start speaking and voicing  the same truths. 
If you agree  please LEAVE a comment, even if you don't agree leave a comment

I believe that Ms Gillard hit the nail on the head, and not just for Australia, but for any of our country’s. If we make a
decision to move to a place then we should be happy to accept their laws, rights and freedoms as our own. We definitely
 should not disrespect the hospitality of the ones who either house or harbor us.

Thank you

Thursday, March 3, 2011

HMMM Could this be the start of hearing the truth?

I recently come across this article
While doing my nightly searches for new and interesting things to learn, think about and write about.
Could this be the beginning of the human populace being enlightened as to what might really be happening out there? I don't believe we are alone and by Britain doing this it opens up a whole new chapter in people like me finding the answers to that age old question... Are we alone.

Below is the post, what do you think? real or not? good or bad?

The Truth is Out There": UFO Files Released in Britain
"I Want to Believe"
By Elena Arteaga - Web Producer
Thursday, March 3, 2011 - 3:28pm

LONDON, ENGLAND— Britain released thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects sightings and alien abduction files on Thursday to the public.
One sighting even included a British Bomber being trailed by a UFO. A British Bomber is a WWII aircraft.
Nick Pope, a UFO expert, was curious as to why one file was destroyed without explanation.
“One of the really interesting stories is that files— defense intelligence stuff, files on Britain's most famous UFO's— have been destroyed for some reason, so conspiracy theorists will be up in arms about this," said Pope.
Pope also said one file mentions a man that believes he was abducted by aliens.
“One of the cases was a Londoner who believed he was abducted by aliens. he was quite happily drinking a glass of milk, and he saw something odd, and then time went all funny," he said. “He thought he had had one of those missed time experiences, but it transpired that what had actually happened was that there had been an airship hovering over his house and the clocks had gone back that time. So there was a perfectly rational explanation."
As with many of these reports, it will take time to de-bunk them and find the credible evidence, but who knows, maybe this is like I said the beginning of just that. Getting credible evidence !
Thank you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I honestly think that there is, without a doubt, life else where in the Universe. Not only life in general but intelligent life with the same if not more capabilities than us. There are some who believe that we are alone, and with some of the religions out there they can point in either direction depending on your point of view.
As stated in my previous blogs I have what I consider to be an open mind, and I am definitely all for someone expressing their view on the subject as well, in fact I encourage it. Below are some points taken from my views and beliefs some biblical, some not. Some for, some against.
I have not found any where in the Bible where it directly says if there is life on other planets.  It simply says that God created the heavens and earth and put man on it.  But this silence on the subject does not require that earth is the only place with life on it. Who knows he may have made all the other planets with their own life the same time he made ours, he might have even done it on the 4th day who knows.  But then again, this doesn't mean there is life out there, either.
Here are some of the reasons against life out there on other planets.  Now, I should tell you that these reasons are simply exercises in biblical theology.
The Bible says there is one Trinitarian God.  Jesus was God in flesh, the second person of the Trinity, and died for our sins.  If there were other beings on other planets that have sinned, then they would need a Jesus too, right.  God would have to die for them as well.
Only God can forgive sins.  Jesus is God in flesh and is forever a man and died for the sins of people here on earth. This means that if Jesus died here the only part of the trinity is God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that one of them would have to die for the sins of the others. But this doesn't seem credible since the focus of the Holy Trinity in this world has been for the Father to elect a people the Son to redeem them and the Holy Spirit to fill, guide, and dwell inside of them. And this has been for the redemption of mankind, nothing or no one anywhere else.
So even though it is not written in the Bible that there is no life elsewhere, it is not written that there is either.

Now for my personal views on the matter;

If God created the heavens and the Earth, the stars and the Universe, EVERYTHING you can see, touch, smell and hear. You have to agree that he is all-powerful enough to have created life elsewhere that can do the same, yes.

Then looking to our own past in evolution terms, we still have not figured out how life spawned, yeah we know all about the soup and the amino acids, but what caused the spark. What caused life?

God? YES. But the question is did he actually do it here or somewhere else and it travelled here on a comet or meteorite? This is very plausible because the one thing it seems that life needs is water, and the one thing that the universe has an abundance of is… You guessed it. Water. There are also other planets and moons out there with some if not all of the ingredients that we had here too, so why couldn’t there have been life elsewhere.

I also said at the start of this that God may have made everything everywhere just like it is written, he made the entire universe, and he made the planets and the stars, and then he mad man. It is not written where he made him, or how many he made, he just mad MAN. And he didn’t just make 1, he formed Eve from the rib, and obviously others because when the two of them were exiled from Eden they had children who went and married. Married who? There were only the 4 of them right? No there were many others living outside the garden, all of whom God created. So again who is to say that he didn’t just light a fire in the center of the universe that had lots of little life sparks that crackled and spat out throughout the heavens, to start little life fires on all other planets.

Then you have the UFO and alien abduction theories, these are credible in my eyes because I believe that we have not been created alone, but I also thing think there is more to that as well. Like why do they always come and take the Americans. I think that was brought up in the movie “Monsters Versus Aliens. And why haven’t the people who want to see them ever get to see them, its always people who are unprepared and not overly interested. I want to see them!!!

Any way there obviously are many, many more reasons for and against, but as we go on and learn more and more about the world and universe around us it is becoming more and more clear that the little book of good and bad (The Bible) is becoming more of a past thought in relation to current facts and that the way we need to start interoperating it has to change with the times too. Yes it still may have the answers in it, BUT the knowledge of today is very quickly brining new questions and doubts as to the way we interpret it now.

Thank you for reading.
Feel free to comment but please keep it clean.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A spurt of randomness

Ok time for some just random bits of nothing,

Did you know:
·      The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses    every letter in the English language.

·      A snail can sleep for 3 years.

·      The continents names all end with the same letter with which they start.

·      A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can.

·      A giraffe makes no vocal noises because it has no voice box.

·      Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

·      An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

·      In the 1983 film "JAWS 3D" the shark blows up. Some of the shark guts were the stuffed ET dolls being sold at the time.

·      The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

·      In the new Star Trek Movie there is a scene with R2-D2 from Star Wars flying across the view screen of the Enterprise.

I hope this was informative.
Until next time
Thank you