I honestly think that there is, without a doubt, life else where in the Universe. Not only life in general but intelligent life with the same if not more capabilities than us. There are some who believe that we are alone, and with some of the religions out there they can point in either direction depending on your point of view.
As stated in my previous blogs I have what I consider to be an open mind, and I am definitely all for someone expressing their view on the subject as well, in fact I encourage it. Below are some points taken from my views and beliefs some biblical, some not. Some for, some against.
I have not found any where in the Bible where it directly says if there is life on other planets. It simply says that God created the heavens and earth and put man on it. But this silence on the subject does not require that earth is the only place with life on it. Who knows he may have made all the other planets with their own life the same time he made ours, he might have even done it on the 4th day who knows. But then again, this doesn't mean there is life out there, either.
Here are some of the reasons against life out there on other planets. Now, I should tell you that these reasons are simply exercises in biblical theology.
The Bible says there is one Trinitarian God. Jesus was God in flesh, the second person of the Trinity, and died for our sins. If there were other beings on other planets that have sinned, then they would need a Jesus too, right. God would have to die for them as well.
Only God can forgive sins. Jesus is God in flesh and is forever a man and died for the sins of people here on earth. This means that if Jesus died here the only part of the trinity is God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that one of them would have to die for the sins of the others. But this doesn't seem credible since the focus of the Holy Trinity in this world has been for the Father to elect a people the Son to redeem them and the Holy Spirit to fill, guide, and dwell inside of them. And this has been for the redemption of mankind, nothing or no one anywhere else.
So even though it is not written in the Bible that there is no life elsewhere, it is not written that there is either.
Now for my personal views on the matter;
If God created the heavens and the Earth, the stars and the Universe, EVERYTHING you can see, touch, smell and hear. You have to agree that he is all-powerful enough to have created life elsewhere that can do the same, yes.
Then looking to our own past in evolution terms, we still have not figured out how life spawned, yeah we know all about the soup and the amino acids, but what caused the spark. What caused life?
God? YES. But the question is did he actually do it here or somewhere else and it travelled here on a comet or meteorite? This is very plausible because the one thing it seems that life needs is water, and the one thing that the universe has an abundance of is… You guessed it. Water. There are also other planets and moons out there with some if not all of the ingredients that we had here too, so why couldn’t there have been life elsewhere.
I also said at the start of this that God may have made everything everywhere just like it is written, he made the entire universe, and he made the planets and the stars, and then he mad man. It is not written where he made him, or how many he made, he just mad MAN. And he didn’t just make 1, he formed Eve from the rib, and obviously others because when the two of them were exiled from Eden they had children who went and married. Married who? There were only the 4 of them right? No there were many others living outside the garden, all of whom God created. So again who is to say that he didn’t just light a fire in the center of the universe that had lots of little life sparks that crackled and spat out throughout the heavens, to start little life fires on all other planets.
Then you have the UFO and alien abduction theories, these are credible in my eyes because I believe that we have not been created alone, but I also thing think there is more to that as well. Like why do they always come and take the Americans. I think that was brought up in the movie “Monsters Versus Aliens. And why haven’t the people who want to see them ever get to see them, its always people who are unprepared and not overly interested. I want to see them!!!
Any way there obviously are many, many more reasons for and against, but as we go on and learn more and more about the world and universe around us it is becoming more and more clear that the little book of good and bad (The Bible) is becoming more of a past thought in relation to current facts and that the way we need to start interoperating it has to change with the times too. Yes it still may have the answers in it, BUT the knowledge of today is very quickly brining new questions and doubts as to the way we interpret it now.
Thank you for reading.
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Interesting reading. Find a book by David Ike called the inconvenient truth and compare notes. He has a more logical view.