Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life Found

Is it true? Could there be evidence of life found out side of our little blue sphere??
On March 5th this year Dr. Richard Hoover released a paper in the online journal of cosmology, claiming that indeed we have found that evidence in a meteorite.
The tiny "life forms" were in the form of microscopic strands of fossilized bacteria, not too different to a strain that is found here on Earth.


Above is the photograph of Hoovers find, and if you see in the next photo a bacteria found here on Earth.

Obviously not exact in their matching but not all completely different either, the cyanobacteria shown here is one of the early bacteria that was found here on Earth that helped start the production of Oxygen.

SO is it real? or is it fake?
The paper has sparked an interest in many of the scientific world and obviously a lot of people dismissing the case too, saying that Hoover has come out with this before and it had also been discredited. However the question remains, and their are many scientists now looking into the validity of Hovers claims.
Myself, I say YES, I fully believe that life on this planet originated from space as did the water and everything we see, feel and smell around us. Remember the Earth was not just here it was made over millennia and it was made from dust, rocks, asteroids and comets. All of which originated either close by and from the far reaches of our solar system. Water being carried here from comets and meteorites could very well have imported life, just like the bacteria Hover just found, and with that and the release of amino acids and other life building chemicals could have taken hold and helped form the very first life on this planet. 
We as a people have to stop with the absolute skepticism and just take the chance that maybe, just maybe there is a bigger picture and that we might only be someones ant farm in that bigger arena of life. 
Seriously how many of you honestly believe with out any doubt that we are 100% ALONE in this Universe of over 100 billion galaxies, each with well over 100 billion solar systems?

I bet if everyone who read that question actually commented here on my blog and were truthful on weather or not they were 100% sure, I would have figures like 95% yes (there is life) 5% no (100% sure there is not)

I challenge everyone who reads this to comment and not just that, tell a friend to come and comment too.
Thank you for reading.

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